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Monday, May 7, 2012

The Reason The U.S.A. Is Doomed!!!

The background in the fall of 2008:

*The U.S. has just entered what is turning out to be The Great Recession and was caused primarily by crooked Wall Street Bankers.
*Unemployment was spreading rapidly and tax income falling.
*The U.S. desperately needed to create new jobs.
*The Administration created a bill with a single objective, create new jobs and do it fast.
*The bill was entitled "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act".

When the bill was finally passed by Congress, it included money for.................

roads and bridges
levees and dams
airport runways
city buses
fire stations
public housing
rural community centers
food stamps
food banks
crop insurance
farm loans
job training
unemployment benefits
child care
Social Security checks
community service programs
economic development grants
police officers
police equipment
enhanced gun and drug patrols on the Mexican border
violence against women prevention
Indian jails
crime victim support groups
child pornography stings
small business loans
summer jobs for teen agers
special education
Head Start
Early Head Start
Pell grants
education data systems
energy efficient building
the electricity grid
lithium ion car batteries
carbon capture and storage
wind farms
solar panels
hybrid government vehicles
community health clinics
computerized medical records
renovations to the National Institutes of Health
a new headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security
anti-obesity and anti-smoking programs
research into prescription drugs and medical procedures
independent living centers
services for the blind
the 2010 Census
digital television converter boxes
art exhibits and theater performances
climate change research
space exploration
high-speed Internet
high speed rail
Veterans Affairs claims processors
watershed rehabilitation
military base renovations
environmental clean up
federal courthouses
border stations
radios for immigration agents
explosive detection machines for airports
port security
trail restoration
abandoned mines
national parks
wildlife refuges
wildfire prevention
fish hatcheries
historically black colleges
stream gauges
leaking gas tanks
water treatment plants
sewage pipes
diesel emission reduction
lead-paint removal
the Smithsonian
computers for the Social Security Administration

In the fall of 2010 and 2011, we drove over 10,000 miles through every state west of the Mississippi, and we only saw FOUR AR&R projects.  I was really puzzled because the bill was budgeted at over $800 Billion.

Now I know!!

If our government cannot effectively focus on a very important problem and create  a workable solution, we don't have a future.


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