If anyone says to you, "Well, what would YOU do?", here is what you say.
1) Our infrastructure is falling apart and it is dangerous to you. Last month, a road gave way in Colorado and killed most of a family. A bridge collapsed in Minneapolis and lots of people died. A gas pipeline ruptured in San Francisco and people died and homes were destroyed. And you know all about the deaths and property destruction when the levees gave way.
At least 75% of the 45,000 miles of the Interstate Highway system are badly in need of repair. The Society of Engineers say that we have 10,000 bridges in need of replacement or repair. The list goes on and on.
2) Most of the TARP funds have been paid back and we should borrow them (interest rates are at an all time low) to create an Infrastructure Repair Project.
3) We create two $400 Billion funds. One is available to any mayor of a U.S. city and the other is available to all fifty state highway departments. Projects are submitted for funding one at a time on a first come, first serve basis. The entire project is administered by the Congressional Budget Office and cannot be touched by any member of Congress or any lobbyist.
4) The requirements for funding are simple. First, the project must begin with 60 days. Second, it can only be for repair or replacement. New projects are not allowed. Monthly reports showing number of jobs created, money spent and how spent, and a brief progress statement are required to keep funds flowing. That's it.
5) That produces a win-win-win-win program.
Win; remove people from unemployment insurance.
Win; people have incomes and start paying income taxes.
Win; small businesses have customers now and they hire people, and they increase their tax payments.
Win; we improve the efficiency of our distribution and transportation system and lower our costs of doing business.
And the best part is this; We will have to spend this money sooner or later, and it will cost a lot less now than it will in the future.
See how simple that is? So ask yourself, why can't they see this in Washington????
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