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Friday, April 22, 2011

The End of America? This is truly Scary stuff!

This movie will remind you of how many outrageous atrocities were done against the Constitution of the United States of America by George W. Bush, et al. I remember most of them, but they seemed isolated at the time. But Naomi Klein compresses that time frame and it gets truly scary! At the times, the Dixie Chicks and Dan Rather and Bill Keller seemed like separate events, but they weren't..

Remember; everyone of Bush's "laws" are still on the books.

A confession: After fifty years as a loyal, registered, voting Republican, I quit the party when Bush said it was O.K. to torture anyone, because that is not who we are.

This takes about an hour so make sure you glass is full before you start.*xJmx*PTEzMDM1NTgxNDgxNTYmcHQ9MTMwMzU1ODE1ODIwMyZwPTEwNjExOTImZD1mLTU1Ni1*aGVfZW5kX29mX2EmZz*xJm89/OWFlOTc3ZDI*ZjRiNDRlYmEzNzE1ZjEzZGY1ODZjZjEmb2Y9MA==.gif" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="f-556">" />" target="_blank">Watch more free documentaries

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