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Friday, May 14, 2010

Do you know Stephan Hawking?

Stephan Hawking maybe the most brilliant man alive. He is a theoretical physicist living and working in the U.K. In one of nature's nastier tricks, he also has ALS and it has progressed to the point where he is completely paralyzed and can only speak through an artificial voice machine.

I once read one of his books, "A Brief History of Time". I understood almost 20% of it.

The reason that you should know Stephan Hawking is this. He is arguing that we should stop exploring outer space for other forms of intelligent life. His point is that any civilization that can now travel over light years of time will be so much more advanced than we are, that (in his words), "it will be like the white men discovering the Indians, and you know how well that turned out for the Indians".

Point taken.

NASA'S 2010 budget is $18.69 BILLION and the President wants to send men to Mars (and bring them back).

Would you say this was an example of someone shooting themselves in the foot, or just an incredibly stupid waste of money?

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